Community Theatre with La Troupe du Jour
Starting at 15 years old I participated in several community theatre productions with La Troupe du Jour in varying capacities.
Unity 1918 was my first production with La Troupe du Jour in 2008 and it was life-changing for me. I learned that I could do theatre in French and I got to tell a beautiful story that was incredibly compelling. I faked understanding what was happening more often than not but my French also improved drastically. Photo credit: Yvan Lebel, Set design: David Granger, Lighting: Jim Arthur.
Berthe et Lolo was a part of a larger production in 2009 whose name I cannot recall- we spun a wheel to determine the show order each night! I really enjoyed having pink extensions in my hair and I find it ironic that I was playing a pretentious young woman returning from a Parisian séjour now that I have done similarly myself. I wish I had the originals of these photos, but a copy from a brochure will have to do!
Départs was a collection of stories presented as the community theatre show at La Troupe du Jour in 2010. I don’t remember the title of the specific show I was in, but I do remember putting a paintbrush in my hair to make it stick straight up that way!
In 2016 I Stage Managed and Assistant Directed Les Belles Soeurs for La Troupe, which was a huge undertaking for a community theatre. It was a wonderful experience to work with 17 women in a single production.